by Kate Rutherford | Oct 22, 2009 | climbing
Join us climbing in Zion! Climb to the top of Angels Landing and lets talk 350!  Lets tell the world, and everyone we see on top of Angels Landing about the need to get our global CO2 down to 350 ppm. We desperately need to convince the world leaders to make this...
by Kate Rutherford | Jun 10, 2009 | climbing
In the last 10 days, we found it, cleaned it, climbed it, hiked out, bought baskets, flew home, and whew, here I am back in Yosemite…… The memories are a swirl of red granite, bird poo, a 2,000 year old painted giraffe, hidden water holes, beautiful wildlife, and...
by Kate Rutherford | May 11, 2009 | climbing
prickly beauty basket weaving finchs have homes everwhere a yellow billed hornbill thanks piet! More stories will come, but probably not for about 3 weeks. Today we Picked up Peter Doucette and Gabe Rogel, Chris Alstrin will come in meet us in a few days…. and...
by Kate Rutherford | Apr 18, 2009 | climbing
northwest face of half dome