Join us climbing in Zion! Climb to the top of Angels Landing and lets talk 350!
Lets tell the world, and everyone we see on top of Angels Landing about the need to get our global CO2 down to 350 ppm. We desperately need to convince the world leaders to make this a priority at the UN Climate meeting in Copenhagen. Wear 350 t-shirts, make banners, talk to people!
Saturday, October 24th we plan to climb the North East Buttress of Angels Landing, one of the most prominent and beautiful features in Zion’s canyon. It climbs to the Angels Landing where many other trails and climbs converge… I hope to see hundreds of people up there, where we can all collaborate on how to best get the 350 word out in to the minds and hearts of the world. I hope to have some crazy 350 signs/cloths/stuff, so lets converge up there!
To partake in this or other community events near you on Saturday, check out the action map

angels landing
What is 350? and why is this day of action important?
This is a Global Day of Action on Climate Change, and there will be thousands of connected events in almost every country around the world.
The goal for all of them will be the same: to tell our neighbors, and our leaders, what the latest science makes clear: we can’t tackle global warming unless we can get the carbon concentration of the atmosphere down below 350 parts per million (ppm). That sounds complicated, but it really isn’t: it just means we need to speed the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. But the power of special interests means it won’t happen fast enough unless we come together to make some noise for change.
Our event will be great fun, but it will have a serious purpose. Before the day is out, pictures of it and thousands of other actions will be all over the globe and on But we want to make sure that people in our city know how they can play a real role in making the future work. Please join us!